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Golden Titan With MaxiComfort Technology

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Sale Price: $1,719.00


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                         Golden Titan With MaxiComfort Technology


The Titan is medium-sized and offers a stylish, overstuffed seamed back design, plush chaise pad, and numerous standard features providing hours of unmatched comfort. Your positioning options are endless with our 4-Zone Comfort Zone Positioning System, which includes our patented MaxiComfort® Positioning, adjustable headrest and adjustable lumbar all operated by our programmable AutoDrive™ hand control.



Other features include a built-in cup holder, wireless smartphone charger, and accessory mount with a table, conveniently located in the open arm design. Also standard is an additional USB charging port for your phone or table located on the side of the chair.

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*All Golden Power Lift Recliners are FDA Approved Class ll Medical Devices.